It is incredibly wonderful to see forward momentum on a somewhat long wait for a Foundation for project. The Document Foundation has promised to be an independent self-governing meritocratic Foundation. And, that is actually a lot of good intentions to live up to.
Once the rush of news announcements are over it would be nice to see some concrete time-line driven announcements from the Foundation. These would possibly end up around areas concerning:
- how LibreOffice builds upon the existing work done within the fold of community
- the cohesive nature of participation amongst existing Native Language Communities for OO.o and, LibreOffice
- would LibreOffice contributions start off from a point in time
The last two items are specifically close to one’s heart because it goes directly and deeply into how the existing community finds a place within the new infrastructure and, how the contributions keep happening. Whether this would require reaching out to all the existing community/project leaders and seeking consensus is something that the wise heads at TDF know. I would wait to see more decisions being announced around infrastructure, contribution processes and, actual contributions begin to happen at a rapid clip.
Here’s to a new beginning.