I love national television

And with good reason. On 26th January, Runa and me sat down to watch the Republic Day parade. Primarily because we love to air show at the end. And guess what Doordarshan did ? Well in its typical style focussed on the crowd and the political fatcats when the jets roared above and performed their stunts. When will the network learn ?

ps: Komal GB Singh was usual her flowery self – at least some things never change

O’Reilly Rough Cuts: Get behind the scenes to stay ahead of the curve

O’Reilly Rough Cuts: Get behind the scenes to stay ahead of the curve. Yes somehow O’Reilly has managed to do it again. Providing a service like Rough Cuts is in someways unique. I subscribe to the Safari Service. It is a bit heavy on the pocket but the reason I do is that it is far better than to keep on procuring newer versions of the book the online service appears to be a nicer way of keeping oneself updated. Rough Cuts just manages to take UserDrivenInnovation (if it can be so called) to the next possible level. By ensuring direct feedback to the author as and when the book is being written, it does put in place a process by which a useful book can be shaped up.

The flip side is that it resides on the Internet and of course there is no special India-centric price.The entire process of collaboration and co-operation is Net-centric. And even now in countries like India, the internet is a major pain and a showstopper. This can be measured from the fact all said and done the LUGs are still a medium for ISO distribution. Add to it the fact that folks are not really used to an all pervasive Net-culture of feedback loop. However, things would look brighter and perhaps this will motivate a lot of students to contribute feedback. And perhaps motivate them enough to understand the nuances and begin writing.

Keyboard Layout Creator Tool

Ankit Patel has created a lovely small tool which allows one to create keyboard layouts for Indic languages. He has done another important thing – put up a nice demo here. For those who want to try this out, here’s how:

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/indianoss co -P KLC . Please provide feedback to the developer after you try this out

News: both good and bad

This is a disturbing piece of news in more ways than one. While this was debated to be inevitable, the very fact of it coming true is in a way not a very nice thing to happen 🙁

This happened since I had always fancied a web footprint for myself, but of course you might like to check this site out

I may or may not drop in for FLOSSWorld, depends completely on how flexible my schedule is and from where I stand it seems that it is not going to happen this time.

Have some more good news to post about but that would be sometime early next week 😉

James Shore is in town

Some news from the Agile Community in India

For all things Fedora in India

There is a new channel on irc.freenode.net – #fedora-india. This is related to all things Fedora and India. Hang out there when you can it is fun 🙂 Lot’s of new stuff will be announced soon, so there are exciting times ahead for the Fedora Community in India

While on the subject, be sure to check out #fedorabot – nice place to know about happening stuff real time.