We have nice T Shirts for you

Well the event is over, I have had a good 13 hour sleep and of course some folks have been quick on the go in putting pictures up here while others have blogged about it. A few good things came about from the meet – we talked a lot about our favorite project and got some folks interested in checking out our focus.

The device driver project was pimped in a subtle way – part of Satish’s talk on Enabling Device Drivers which was well attended. The important theme during the present at LinuxAsia was to figure out

* WHY should students/developers contribute to FOSS in India ?
* HOW could they be part of Fedora ?
* WHERE could they turn to in case of help ?

The crowd at this year’s event was largely students which was good and bad. Good since it gives one the means to seed ideas for various projects into the young minds, bad because it sort of revealed the lack of that something in the current education system which would enable them to take to FOSS. Venky had an Education Track which focussed on the same thing and one would have to wait for results to come in from that. The Fedora Booth had frequent visits from our high profile stars – gregdek and blizzard. In fact the latter had the unfriendly job of fielding questions related to the desktop initiatives and the roadmap ahead as the feature requests tend to keep on piling up. Do read this.

On a side note – Ankur Bangla Project received a long deserved special citation for the best dot ORG project. It sure felt good to go up on stage and receive it.

Update: Runa has put up some pictures here