Tag Archives: Musings

I wonder if…

  • … there is any study that attempts to connect the dots in the statement ‘participants in FOSS projects tend to stick because they end up liking their collaborators as opposed to having strong emotions about the projects’
  • … Linux Foundation would provide a good set of reasons for me to fork out 49 USD and become a member
  • … I’m getting old since at the end of a fairly long mail trail on a mailing list, I ended up feeling bad about the need to get involved in the first place
  • … I need to see a doctor for the odd bouts of fever, shivers and chills I get each time the temperature swings towards “being cold”
  • … reading ‘Three Cups of Tea’ slowly would mark a new way of reading books
  • … I’ll be there at foss.in this year, I’ve missed GUADEC and OOoCon already