PHP folks are in demand

A large media house based out of Delhi requires PHP folks for maintaining live sites as well as putting into motion an ASP to PHP migration.

Experience level desired – 2-3 years (candidate should demonstrate ability to work on live sites and in heterogenous operating system environment)

Position is based out of Delhi (currently)

Please get in touch with me at sankarshan [at] randomink [dot] org or take a look here

This and that…

This looks like it would be a good session. Let’s see if I can manage to find some time to attend at least the first day.

On a positive note, the activities to form the Indic L10n registered body seem to have taken off actively and this time with interest from Gora and others – we could possibly see it happen.

At ITME, where Sayamindu is upto something with ipchains and iptables, some have managed to install Fedora Core 3 over NFS across 12 nodes, but anything over 12 seems to be a problem. If someone has faced this issue or is aware of a workaround (no error messages have been posted though), please get in touch with Jayanta Chandra jccpc2003 (at) gmail (dot) com.

Have in hand a copy of The Art of Project Management and a copy of Cosmos as weekend reading material. Here is a whitepaper on The Essential Elements of a Storage Networking Architecture.

If someone has in hand a copy of the latest issue of Businessworld, do take time to read through Rosabeth Moss Kanter on leadership and her research in sports, politics and business (login required). Reiterating the need for leaders who can motivate through personal charisma, it can be used to build up effective and efficient teams which can make or break a software development process.

In his regular column, Subroto Bagchi writes about : The five cardinal principles are: respect all individuals, be fair, respect company discipline and culture, be truthful, and be fearless. The five habits are: keep promises, encourage teamwork, encourage continuous learning, be a good listener and keep the end in mind. Finally, the five key goals are: customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, zero defect, high productivity and high cash flow.

Simple truths but rarely implemented effectively.