We are at foss.in – are you ?

There’s a GNOME Project Day at foss.in this time. We are around – are you ?

A wishlist for BOSS

Some days back, I got asked on mail as to “if BOSS has to be recognized in FOSS mainstream, what do you think can be done”. So here’s a rough list :

+ Create a community around it that goes beyond CDAC
+ Push stuff visibly upstream (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RahulSundaram/WhyUpstream)
+ Innovate and open up stuff that would make BOSS and other Linuxes feature complete respective to Indic
+ Talk about it at various LUGs
+ Don’t stop at only rebasing or re-compose of an Upstream OS
+ Enable a range of hardware (including peripherals) and push contributions back upstream
+ Have a sensible Community Relations Manager
+ Have the above put out a sensible roadmap that others can track
+ Have a above two things done under the aegis of a body who understand FOSS and not only file pushing

The tryanny of Cc:

I recall that one of the first pieces of sagely wisdom that I received regarding mail was “if you are in Cc:, your a** is grass“. In spite of reading at umpteen places that the Cc: list is just a “for your information” only place and folks in Cc: are not expected to be the “A” part of RACI, it ain’t really so. Stunning is the arrogance of folks who put others in Cc: and then shoot a mail to world and its aunty stating that the Cc: list was an “A” and not an “I”.

In short, it is not a good start to a day.