I am sure that the pictures would be up soon, but it was a nice day at the event doing practically nothing other than idling in and out of a few talks. Met up with old friends, checked some mail (generally office mail – whew !!) and IM-ed a bit. By the way, I have moved from Gaim/Pidgin as IM client to Empathy – allows me to do all that I want without being too intrusive. Some folks complain about apostrophe sign but I am not too sure what the issue is without a screenshot. Sitting at the LinuxChix.org.in stall it is a trivia as to how many folks shy away from taking their sticker – what’s with all that ? More detailed post later … feeling sleepy and I think the OO.o BoF we have in an hour’s time would be interesting in light of the OO.o Project Day.
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