Durga Puja at Pune

We went to visit the Durga Puja at the Congress House at Pune. The book shops were missing, the cutlets were not ready. But the goddess was there alright. Resplendent and magnificent.

The Goddess at the Congress House Puja

A book with enough thought points

I get into these discussions and notes-exchange at random intervals most of which relate to ‘teaching programming methods and implementations. So, I started reading up Reflections on the Teaching of Programming: Methods and Implementations (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).

As the blurb states the

topics addressed span a wide range of problems and solutions associated with the teaching of programming such as introductory programming courses, exposition of the programming process, apprentice-based learning, functional programming first, problem-based learning, the use of on-line tutorials, object-oriented programming and Java, the BlueJ environment to introduce programming, model-driven programming as opposed to the prevailing language-driven approach, teaching software engineering, testing, extreme programming, frameworks, feedback and assessment, active learning, technology-based individual feedback, and mini project programming exams.

I went through “Experiences with Functional Programming in an Introductory Curriculum” by Michael R Hansen and Jens Thyge Kristensen. And, I’d say I was surprised.

আগুনের পরশমণি ছোঁয়াও প্রাণে ।
এ জীবন পুণ্য করো দহন-দানে ।।
আমার এই দেহখানি তুলে ধরো,
তোমার এই দেবালয়ের প্রদীপ করো —
নিশিদিন আলোক-শিখা জ্বলুক গানে ।।
আঁধারের গায়ে গায়ে পরশ তব
সারা রাত ফোটাক তারা নব নব ।
নয়নের দৃষ্টি হতে ঘুচবে কালো,
যেখানে পড়বে সেথায় দেখবে আলো —
ব্যথা মোর উঠবে জ্বলে ঊর্ধ্ব-পানে ।।